Jami investitsiyalar:
$ 125,000
Franchayzing to'lovi:
$ 15,000
Oylik to'lov:
$ 650
Oylik marketing to'lovi:
$ 0
Franshizalar soni
Investitsiyalarning rentabelligi (ROI)
Vaqt davri
$ 12 000*
* Kalkulyator hisob-kitoblari dastlabki hisoblanadi va kafolatlangan natija emas
Tasis yili: 1970
Franchayzing ishga tushirilgan yili: 1981
Kompaniya birliklari: 0
Franchayzing birliklari: 700
Birliklarning umumiy soni: 700
Bir birlik uchun xodimlar soni: 8-12
Shartnoma muddati: 60 oylar
ASOSIY SAHIFASouthern Fried Chicken was established in the 1970s and quickly developed licenses all over the UK for its Simply Lip Licking Flavour. After this success, it developed a full franchise offering and today has 700 restaurants operating internationally.
Southern Fried Chicken franchised sites work in retail outlets, shopping malls, and freestanding buildings, with each location designed to offer fresh grilled and traditional fried chicken pieces, wraps, sandwiches, and side orders on the menu.
Southern Fried Chicken is looking for people with an understanding of quick service restaurants and who have the commitment to build a successful business using proven techniques and are capable of opening at least 3 restaurants within 10-year period.
Training is over two weeks with pre-store opening training in your location followed by a week after opening. Franchisees must attend the course, even if they intend to employ managers to operate the restaurant. Once open franchisee receives regular visits from the Brands Team and any additional or redevelopment training is provided.
As part of a low fixed ongoing franchise fee (royalties), the franchisee receives marketing and design updates and access to the Head Office Support Team as well as online support in the dedicated franchise area of the website.