Jami investitsiyalar:
$ 99,000
Franchayzing to'lovi:
$ 85,000
Oylik to'lov:
Oylik marketing to'lovi:
Franshizalar soni
Investitsiyalarning rentabelligi (ROI)
Vaqt davri
$ 12 000*
* Kalkulyator hisob-kitoblari dastlabki hisoblanadi va kafolatlangan natija emas
Tasis yili: 1993
Franchayzing ishga tushirilgan yili: 1997
Kompaniya birliklari: 2
Franchayzing birliklari: 1000
Birliklarning umumiy soni: 1002
Bir birlik uchun xodimlar soni: 5+
Shartnoma muddati: 60 oylar
ASOSIY SAHIFAThe concept of business coaching, as it is widely known today, was pioneered in 1993 by the founder of ActionCOACH Brad Sugars. More than two decades later, the company that started it all is still on top. In fact, no franchise in the “business coaching” category is 10% of ActionCOACH size in total revenues. From a humble one-man-show operation to a multi-million enterprise, ActionCOACH continues to blaze the trail and serves as the business coaching industry’s most innovative company.
An investor, looking for another business, that can build a team.
You will receive comprehensive training and support as soon as your franchise agreement is completed. Depending on what level of investment you make, training at the ActionCOACH Global Headquarters will vary from 5-10 days.
This intensive, fully immersive training experience will equip you with the knowledge and tools required to succeed. Once your agreement is finalized, you will receive 3-months of pre-training to prepare you for the classroom experience at Headquarters.
These educational readings, videos, and assignments will prepare you for discussions and enable you to fully participate.