Jami investitsiyalar:
$ 37,500
Franchayzing to'lovi:
$ 25,000
Oylik to'lov:
0 %
Oylik marketing to'lovi:
0 %
Franshizalar soni
Investitsiyalarning rentabelligi (ROI)
Vaqt davri
$ 12 000*
* Kalkulyator hisob-kitoblari dastlabki hisoblanadi va kafolatlangan natija emas
Tasis yili: 1973
Franchayzing ishga tushirilgan yili: 1975
Kompaniya birliklari: Unlimited
Franchayzing birliklari: 9175
Birliklarning umumiy soni: 9175
Bir birlik uchun xodimlar soni: 1+
Shartnoma muddati: 60 oylar
ASOSIY SAHIFAWith over 9,175 offices and 145,000 real estate agents worldwide (110+ countries & territories), RE/MAX is the world’s fastest-growing real estate franchise. Whether you want to join RE/MAX as a Regional Owner, a Broker/Owner, or a Real Estate Agent – you will benefit from the largest real estate think tank globally.
A top performer in his or her market, with:
- An entrepreneurial spirit
- A desire to mentor and help other agents
- Drive, passion, and a relentless desire to succeed
- The ability to invest in his or her future
- Team Player and collaboration
- Vision and drive for success
- Willing to learn more and more
- Passion and Commitment
RE/MAX offers various training courses designed to improve your business. Regardless of whether you’re a newbie in the property business, an agent looking to optimize your day-to-day work or a well-seasoned pro in need of a career boost, RE/MAX will provide you with the whole range of skills you need to bring out the very best in you:
- in-house and online trainings
- business startup trainings
- recruiting
- financial & time management
- coaching & mentoring