Jami investitsiyalar:
$ 10,000
Franchayzing to'lovi:
$ 5,000
Oylik to'lov:
Oylik marketing to'lovi:
Franshizalar soni
Investitsiyalarning rentabelligi (ROI)
Vaqt davri
$ 12 000*
* Kalkulyator hisob-kitoblari dastlabki hisoblanadi va kafolatlangan natija emas
Tasis yili: 1975
Franchayzing ishga tushirilgan yili: 1981
Kompaniya birliklari: 0
Franchayzing birliklari: 200
Birliklarning umumiy soni: 200
Bir birlik uchun xodimlar soni: 3
Shartnoma muddati: 60 oylar
ASOSIY SAHIFAHILL are international full-service consultants in the fields of HR and Management – with a strong sense of tradition.
For more than 35 years, HILL has combined a fair and respectful approach with high psychological standards. HILL works with its own methods from years of R&D and a large number of experts in business psychology.
As the pioneer and no. 1 in Eastern Europe, HILL is represented with 50 offices in more than 30 countries. HILL has now been long beyond Europe. HILL comprehensive network can guarantee its clients the rapid and economical handling of their orders – in 28 languages!
HILL expects that:
- You have a strong motivation to work in the HR consulting business and take responsibility for your results.
- You value professionalism, trust, and responsibility.
- You, as Authorised Area Representative, have a strong background in strategic sales and/or HR field.
- You have a great ability to organize your own work and co-operate internationally.
- You are fluent in English.
You, as Authorised Area Representative, will receive:
- HILL International and Management product training;
- HILL International and Management sales and sales strategy workshops and know-how;
- HILL International and Management sales documents (company and service presentations, commercial offers etc);
- Clients’ references from the HILL network;
- Coaching and all support needed for achieving business development;
- HILL International and Management stationary.