Jami investitsiyalar:
$ 14,000
Franchayzing to'lovi:
$ 3,300
Oylik to'lov:
Oylik marketing to'lovi:
Franshizalar soni
Investitsiyalarning rentabelligi (ROI)
Vaqt davri
$ 12 000*
* Kalkulyator hisob-kitoblari dastlabki hisoblanadi va kafolatlangan natija emas
Tasis yili: 2013
Franchayzing ishga tushirilgan yili: 2015
Kompaniya birliklari: 12
Franchayzing birliklari: 38
Birliklarning umumiy soni: 50
Bir birlik uchun xodimlar soni: 4-5
Shartnoma muddati: 60 oylar
ASOSIY SAHIFASUSHI LOVE is a fast growing company, that is able to offer its partners a profitable franchise program. It has been proved with success stories of existing franchise partners.
In the first months from the opening, net profit can reach $4,000-$5,000 and revenue can reach $14,000-$15,000 thousand euros. SUSHI LOVE combines both – quality of the restaurant and price of the shop. SUSHI LOVE offer Japanese cuisine affordable for every visitor.
Join SUSHI LOVE passionate team with successful franchisees in more than 20 cities. Let us grow and prosper together
Young, enthusiastic people, who shares the commitment and are eager to dream big and grow fast.
SUSHI LOVE provides the extensive 24/7 support. Company’s dedicated support team is focused on helping the franchisees to build a successful and highly profitable business.